Iceberg, Right Ahead!
As a proud alumnus
of Liberty University, I write the following with a heavy heart and a worried
soul. Our beloved LU stands at a precipice, a crossroads. We've been steaming
across the Atlantic at record speed for years and suddenly, there appears an iceberg
in our path. And we are dangerously close to plowing head-on into that
disaster, after which there will be no recovery.
Now there is some
background required her, before we go forward. You need to know some history
and the depth of my roots to this place. I come from a generation of LU
students who came here when it was a small Bible college in the foothills of
the Blue Ridge mountains. When the founder was debating Jesse Jackson on the
Phil Donahue Show and marching in the January cold to protest the slaughter of
Jerry Falwell Sr.
was a hero to my generation. In him we saw a man who dreamed big, prayed big,
and worked hard to see those visions to their end. We came to this mountain to
feel the touch of God on our lives and we left here to start churches, or
Christian schools, or go to the mission field, or start an inner-city ministry.
Liberty was a bible
college then. Virtually everyone on my hall my freshman year was there to be a
pastor, or a youth pastor, or a Christian schoolteacher. We lived four to a
room that was built for two. We had to get our hair cut. We wore ties
everywhere. We held late night bible studies, just a few of us at a time in the
foyer of our dorm.
We taught Sunday
school classes for our Christian service. We took mandatory classes on
Evangelism and soul winning. We had chapel three times a week...not
"Convocation..." chapel. I hear E.V. Hill for the first time my
freshman year and I never again heard another preacher who could stir me quite
like that great man of God.
Dr. Falwell
preached to us in two of the three chapel services each week.
He didn't "chat" or "have a dialogue" he
preached. He preached doctrine. He preached tradition and orthodoxy. he was
huge on patriotism and Americanism and short on political correctness.
No one ever
doubted Doc's love for sinners. And they never wondered where he stood on sin.
Not. Ever. He identified it. He refuted it. he pronounced God's judgement on
it. And he proclaimed the Gospel as the only way to defeat it.
The Gospel. The real Gospel. Not the woke gospel or the
Critical race Theory Gospel, or the neo-evangelical gospel, or the millennial
Doc sided with
Jesus when he said "I am the way, the truth and the life. NO man comes to
the Father except through me!" He was unafraid to preach hard sermons
against harmful sins and call on Christians to renounce those sins and come out
and be separate, and yet to be loving as we did.
Doc would have
choked on the social justice warrior gospel. He would have shown the door the
current crop of flock star pastors that lay claim to the evangelical flavor of
the week and occupy the best seller list. He would have decried their shallow
theology and their heretical doctrine.
He would have
been politically incorrect. Very, decidedly politically incorrect.
He would have named them by name and confronted them with
the power and directness of Paul when he got right in Peter's face in the
Temple. He would have called them on their heresy and blistered them for their
And for certain
they never would have set foot on Liberty's campus.
Make no mistake...Doc had his share of controversial
speakers in the day. I was here on campus as a freshman when Ted Kennedy came
to speak once. And Ollie North delivered the commencement address when one of
my best friends graduated a few years after that. But ted was not there as a
pastor or a minister. Nor was Ollie. Doc made it clear that they were not
ministers and they did not agree or align with Liberty's doctrinal positions.
(Ollie certainly did, but Ted Kennedy did not. Jerry invited him because
despite their differences politically, they had met and become friends)
Doc kept us
filled to the gills with preachers. With pastors. With men who embraced
traditional evangelicalism and were unashamed to stand firm on the doctrine
that had been handed down from out church fathers. Names like Lakin and Wemp
and Rogers, and Stanley and Smith, and Criswell...and of course the aforementioned
E.V. Hill.
It is said that
the Secret service trains it's counterfeit teams not by having them handle the
counterfeits, but by having them only handle the real thing, so they know the
real thing so well, they can spot a fake before it ever hits their hands. That
was Doc's philosophy as well. We were inundated with solid, traditional,
perhaps "Old Time" preaching and teaching, so that we would feel
uncomfortable in the presence of heretics and hucksters.
We came here to
this mountain, wanting to build something that maybe resembled what Doc had
built. We walked this mountain when it was mostly undeveloped and barren. We lived
in Quonset huts and undersized dorms. I had a mobile office trailer for my
freshmen English classes my freshman year. We had lousy cafeteria food and
strict dress code guidelines. We attended church Sunday morning and again on
Sunday evening and again on Wednesday.
Not some
cute-named gathering made for spiritual babies who wanted to hear glorified
bedtime stories. We heard preaching. We were challenged. We wept at altars and
prayed into the wee hours and begged God for a vision of our own to change a
piece of the world.
So much has
changed at Liberty. So much. It's barely recognizable and I don’t mean
physically. It's not Liberty anymore. It's not Doc Falwell's Liberty. And if
action is not taken it will never be again.
I have considered
this place my second home since I was a freshman here. I stayed atuned to what
was happening here on campus even when I wasn't a student here. I love this
place and I carry a piece of this place with me wherever I go, and I have left
a piece of my own heart here.
I came to work at LU in May of 2014. For the first two years
I worked there I felt driven by the Holy Spirit to spend my lunch hour in
prayer for my school. I would sit in the stands at Williams stadium and praye
for the campus, for the staff, for the student body. Pray for a revival. Pray
for an awakening.
I left my job at
LU in May 2019. I remain here in Lynchburg and my daughter is a Liberty
student. I love this school. I want the very best for her. I want Doc's legacy
to remian intact.
That's why I have to speak out.
Liberty is not
Doc's school right now. There is an iceberg right ahead and if we don't take
drastic emergency action...she will drive her bow straight into the apostacy
and heresy that is creeping into other Christian universities and down she will
And I love her too much to let that happen.
First off, let me
say that much of the problem is not Liberty's doing directly. We can only work
with what comes here. This generation is not being raised the same as the
generations before. They do not hear the sound doctrine we did. They are not
being taught solid theology. They are not questioning what they are hearing.
They see an endless parade of millenial Flockstars in skinny jeans and fitted
T-shirts, who replace the actual Gospel with a virtue-signaling, Jesus-juking,
comic book theology that bows it's knee to every social trend and trick in
order to be "relevant" "relatable" or "woke."
This past week we
saw a BLM march on our campus in defiance of the college specifically telling
them not to assemble because of safety issues. They claimed to not be BLM, but
they held signs with BLM catchphrases, chanted the BLM words, and they knelt.
The knelt on THIS campus. On the very same mountain where the "I Love America"
rally was born, students at Liberty University knelt.
Doc Falwell would
have had your bus ticket waiting for you at your dorm before you got back
there. Liberty has -under the guidance (or lack thereof) of Jerry Jr.-- fallen
into the same cesspool that the SBC is mire din, that the evangelical
megachurches swim in, and that bring shame to the name of Jesus.
We have had such luminaries as J.D. Graeer who emplored the
SBC he led as president, to embrace gender pronouns in an effort to "extend
friendship" to the LGBTQ community. never mind the fact that doing so is a
slao to the face of the very God we claim to worship, the very God who created
man and woman only, and who assigned those genders in the moment of conception
as part of His plan. When we bow our knee to the god of culture, and address a
man as a "she" because he has a head full of bad wires and doesn't
recognize the authority of the God who created him...we commit blasphemy. We
claim to know better than God.
We commit the sin of Lucifer.
Liberty has begun
down the path of Critical Race Theory and a subtle embrace of "White
Fragility" a book that creates racism out of whole cloth and thin air. Our
alma mater has begun to embrace the "woke" culture, the lies that go
hand in hand with it, and the destruction of history in the name of
"relevance." We have dipped our toes in the water of "White
Privilege" "White Guilt" and White self- loathing.
We have become
what we beheld, and it is a dreadful thing indeed.
Alumni have been more vocal in the days and weeks since
Jerry Jr.'s fall and removal. I think we sense the seriousness of this moment.
Every new day reveals the fact that Jerry Jr. did NOT grasp his father's
vision. not all of it. Not the faith part. Sure, he built the physical part of
his dad's plan and did it well. But Jerry ran roughshod over the spiritual
inheritance his father left us all on this mountain and those who walked these
sacred steps while Doc was alive see this as a dividing moment. We either take
action now and avoid the iceberg and get this ship back on the course she was built
for...or we plow headlong into spiritual disaster and watch her sink.
What have the
alumni been asking for and proposing? I watched the convo comments the last few
days and I talked to fellow alumni on my own. I offered a forum on this show
and hopefully, today we will hear from them. But the ones I spoke with have
told me in no uncertain terms that they are angry. They feel betrayed. They see
the glaring danger that is being ignored and they demand changes.
And the worst
thing they've said, and said this unanimously, is that for the first time in
their lifetime, they can no longer in good faith recommend Liberty to their own
children, or grandchildren or friends’ children.
I've spoken to
Christian educators who regularly encouraged their graduating seniros class to
put Liberty on the top of their lists of prospective colleges, not tell me they
won't even recommend LU at all. For me
personally, I have worked for four years to get my daughter into LU and keep
her there. It has not been easy. but this fall, for the first time, I asked her
if she wanted to consider another Christian college. The words hung in my
throat and I blinked back tears. The thought that I would one day not want my
own child to come here to this special place has been more than I could bear.
The alumni have had enough.
What is it we
want? What do we want to see? First of all, we want an end to this madness that
says we need to be like the culture around us. We never were! We never can be.
Jesus Himself warned us that the world will hate us. If the world doesn't hate us,
we are doing something wrong. We want an end to the popularity seeking. And end
to the theologically shallow, spiritually vapid flockstars like Lentz and
Stanley and Furtick, and Smith, and Graeer and McManus. We want an end to the
butt kissing of big-time showboat stage-show preachers, and we want a return to
the actual gospel that permeated this campus.
Why do we cram these frauds down the throats of our student
body endlessly? Why do we send the signal that this is what "successful"
church looks like? Why do we indulge the flesh and ignore the mind?
Why don't we
invite some little out of the way pastor who has never had more than 75 in his
church and has never made more than $40,000 a year in all his time as a pastor
and who works diligently, without a twitter account or a Youtube channel or a
facebook page? Why don't our students hear from anonymous missionaries who work
tirelessly in a foreign land for no glory and almost no pay?
When do we send the private jet for a guy who has one of his
own, put him up in the finest facilities and ply him with gifts in the name of
hospitality, and yet ignore an unknown pastor who does frontline battle every
day of his life? Whatever happened to James Chapter 2?
Why has the faith-based
curriculum been reduces so drastically? How does lowering the doctrinal bar
help us attain our stated goal of training young champions?
We are failing.
And we are almost beyond the point of no return. We need the board to
reestablish the original vision of Dr. Falwell. We need to thoroughly purge the
"woke" theology, and popularity doctrines, a dn the cult of
personality that has invaded our territory. We need to develop men and women of
spiritual character again. Unafraid to speak the truth, even if the truth isn't
"woke" Popular, dressed in skinny jeans or without socks. We need an
end to posing preening and posturing and a return to holiness, truth, facts,
logic, and a bold proclamation of the Gospel. Not the social gospel...the
Jesus-butchered-on-the-cross-because-of-sin gospel. The call it a sin because
it IS a sin gospel.
We need to get
back to training young champions for Christ. Not building the fan base of a
Bono wannabe who throws back shots with Justin Beiber on a Friday and stands in
a pulpit on Sunday.
We want our kids to be Jerry's kids again.
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