A week ago, or thereabouts, Michelle Obama sat down in an
interview with Oprah and said, among other things, that since the election of
Donald Trump, “Now we know what it feels like to lose hope.” I responded a day
or two later with an off-the-cuff, get-this-off-my-chest post. It was angry, as
it should have been. I was angry, and I have every right to be.
But I have thought about her comments and my response and I
felt that now, having thought about it some more, I should delve a little
There is no need to rehash the six years when I was homeless
in this article, as I did in the first one. Regular readers know about that,
and new readers can simply search this blog to find out all they need to know.
I’ll merely mention it as fact. This post is about what Hope really is and Who
is its source. And in that context, we understand why Michelle Obama said the
things she said.
Michelle Obama said that the election of Donald Trump was a
cause to feel hopeless. The implication, logically, is that A: Hillary Clinton
would have brought us hope, and B: We’ve had such hope for the past eight years
that only now do we feel hopeless.
You see, Michelle Obama really believes that if America has felt hope at all,
it’s because of her husband, herself, and their policies.
What does this mean? Well it means that, to the Obama’s, hope
is dependent not upon faith in God, faith in your hard work, your character,
your ambition, or your determination. To them –and to liberals in general- hope
is found only in the doors the government props open for you. You have no hope
of ever becoming wealthy through hard work, relentless drive, healthy ambition,
determined efforts and refusal to quit. No, those things mean nothing. In fact,
over the last eight years, liberals tried to steal all those descriptives and
make them into something they call “White Privilege. They tried to tell us that
the only people who believe that those things will get you ahead are white
supremacists and racists, who use those terms because we believe that no blacks
possess those qualities. They ignore the existence of the Ben Carsons, and
Allen Wests, and Jackie Robinsons, and Robert L. Johnson, and the Tuskegee
Airmen, and Frederick Douglass, and Booker T. Washington and thousands upon thousands
of successful black businessmen and women, professionals, leaders, politicians,
Michelle Obama ignores the truth that most of us –whites
included- came from immigrants and have family histories of having to work hard
and dream big and depend only on ourselves to achieve those dreams. They tried
turning those traits and requirements for success into something evil. Michelle
Obama put the cherry on the sundae with her comments to Oprah.
Her statement also reflects her cursory relationship with
the “faith” that she and her husband claim only when necessary and advantageous.
Had she any actual depth to her self-proclaimed relationship with Jesus, she
would know where the real Source of Hope is. The fact is that Michelle Obama
and her husband are the ultimate Secular Humanists. There are those who claim
he is a Muslim. I have my doubts. I do believe he is a Muslim sympathizer. But
where real religious belief is concerned, I don’t think he actually has any. He
can’t. To embrace a religion is to admit there is a “Higher Power” and that
implies that man is not the ultimate authority in the universe. This defies
Secular Humanism at its core and would serve to deny Barack Obama his
self-aggrandizing view of himself as the greatest of all men.
Remember…this is the man who said, on the night of his
election, that “Today the oceans begin to recede. Today the earth begins to
heal…” He sees himself as a god and gods do not share their deity. This is why
Michelle tells us we should begin to feel hopeless now. Because in their opinion,
hope comes from men and the wrong man got elected. Hope is a government
entitlement…not a characteristic of a spirit-filled believer.
Hope is packaged and distributed by Washington DC, not by
hard work, dreaming big, never quitting, and having ambition. When I was
homeless and losing hope, had I only gone to a government agency, I could have
received whatever I needed to have hope again and I would have been just fine.
Michelle Obama…grab a cup of coffee and let me explain this
to you.
My hope comes from my faith in God, His son Jesus, and in
the gifts and abilities He bestowed. I have no need for the government where
the use of my gifts and the pursuit of my dreams are concerned. The
government’s only job where my hope is concerned is to protect the Faith from
which that hope springs, and to guarantee the right to pursue my happiness. The
government does not provide my happiness;
it protects my right to pursue it. And should I choose to pursue something
foolish and empty and never find that happiness, the government is not where I
go to claim some sort of warranty violation. When I was homeless, I did not
look to the government for hope. I did not want Barack Obama to provide me with
hope in the form of a home and a food allotment, (Which, whether you like it or
not, is precisely what the EBT / SNAP program is: a government food allotment.)
What I needed the government to do was to build an environment wherein jobs are
prevalent and I can go to work and handle the rest. You see, when I have a job,
I can buy however much or little food I want, whatever kind I want, and eat it
in whatever home I decide I like and can afford. I never thought to myself: “I
wish the government eggplant department would deliver me some eggplant parm
today.” I thought how I would cook my own eggplant parm if only I had a job
that provided me a house with a kitchen and the money to buy the eggplant.
My hope was never in the government…not in my darkest hours.
When I was sleeping in my car by night and doing every menial task I could find
just to have gas money, I never once thought about how the government was going
to rescue me. I spent my spare moments looking for a job with which to begin
the rebuilding process. My hope was not in them, it was in me. And even more importantly, when my hope in my abilities and
dreams and drive and ambition was waning because I had no chance to use them to
rebuild my life, the Hope I needed to press on did not come from the president.
It came from the King of Kings. My Hope is not in any man on this planet. It’s
in God. It comes from God. He is my
Hope. The reason I could wake up “just one more day,” every day for almost six
years of homelessness was not because of my dogged determination, my
stubbornness, my resolve, my ambition or drive or dreams. It wasn’t even
because of my undying love for my precious daughter, for whom I endured all
those indignities. No…all those characteristics were fueled by the underlying
hope of God through Jesus Christ.
God created me. He made me who I am. My stubbornness and
ambition and drive and relentlessness was possible only because behind it all
was real hope. Hope in the knowledge
that the Creator of the universe was watching and was aware of my life. That
He’d known of me before I was even formed in my mother’s womb. That His great
plan includes me and this present darkness and my suffering were parts of that
plan as were every good and happy time I had experienced or would in the
future. He was my hope. Not Barack Obama. Not Donald Trump.
There are those who say that conservatives and especially the
“religious right” have now put their “hope in Trump.” I have been accused of
“worshiping Trump.” Let me set you straight. I worship no man. If Trump has
offered hope to me in any way, it comes in the form of his open, unabashed
support of my right to pursue the
very faith that gives me a Hope independent
of the government. A right that Barack Obama withstood at every turn. Make
no mistake, Barack Obama defied my faith. He demeaned the Christian Faith every
chance he got. He fought long and hard to promote the image of Christians as
intolerant, bigoted, hateful, and loveless. You know…all the things liberals
Democrats became after they lost on November 8. Barack Obama mocked my faith as
early as the campaign for his first term in office, when he referred to
Christian Patriots as “bitter folks clinging to their guns and Bibles.” He
declared that America was never a Christian nation, (and while we never were an
officially Christian nation, we certainly recognized and protected our
Christian foundation and built our entire judicial system upon that faith.) He
sent his stooges at the IRS and the DOJ out, with the order to attack and
undermine Christian faith-based organizations as much as possible.
Obama demanded that he
be our hope. When he smugly told small businessmen “You didn’t build that!”
while describing the efforts of their lifetime of hard work, he did it because
he doesn’t want anyone achieving or succeeding unless they owe it to the
government. He speaks of dreams while simultaneously crushing dreamers. Why
else would this man spend eight years declaring how we need more jobs, while
enacting economic policies that rendered more people unemployed than at any
other time in our history? Why? Because he wants us to be dependent on the government
for our hope.
This is why his wife could so arrogantly say “Now we know
what hopelessness feels like.”
She believes it. She wants us to believe it. She demands
we believe it.
Now come the liberals who are screaming bloody murder at the
loss of the election. One lame excuse after the other as to why. Everything
from the Russians to the FBI to the stupidity of the masses to the Electoral
College. Everything except the real reasons: We wanted hope.
Donald Trump’s message was not “Have hope in me!” as Obama’s
has been. Trump’s message is “I believe in you.
I’m going to do my best to get you an economy that rewards your hard work and
makes it possible to take a real shot at your dreams, and then I’m going to get
the government out of your way and turn you loose to see how far you can go!”
Just writing that last line gave me chills. That’s all I wanted when I was homeless
and hurting and trying so darned hard to make my way back.
We don’t have hope in Trump or even because of Trump. Trump
is making room for us to have Hope in God and in ourselves. As our founding fathers
wanted it. This sort of independent empowerment not only defies the will of the
current administration and the liberal left…it scares the heck out of them.
Liberals have a theme song, it’s the chorus from the classic
Cheap Trick song “I Want You To Want Me.”
“I want you to want me.
I need
you to need me.
I’m begging you to beg me.
I want you to want me.”
I can easily imagine Barack Obama speaking these words on
national TV. Even making it sound comforting and necessary, then carefully reconstructing
American History to make it seem like this was the mantra that built this
nation. The facts are opposite. We don’t need them. We shouldn’t want them. I
will never beg them. My hope is in Jesus Christ, and in the abilities He has
gifted me with. My hope was never in Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, and if,
in fact, it appeared I was hopeless at the thought of her winning, it was
because she was of the same mindset that wanted to eliminate my real hope. My
hope is not in Donald Trump either. But my hope is in the truth that Donald
Trump accepts the source of my hope, and does not see himself or his role as
opposing that hope. He does not see my Faith and my Hope in God as something
detrimental to his view of the office. He sees it for what it is: the basis
upon which this nation was born and the light that carried her through dark
times and illuminated her way to the glorious bright days she has experienced,
and will experience again.
Now that we have real hope.
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